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Infusion Therapy

What to expect and how to prepare, plus additional resources. Contact your provider to confirm if they perform the procedure.

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Procedure overview

Remicade®, Humira®, Cimzia® and Tysabru® are prescription medications given by injection to reduce the signs and symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, specifically moderate to severe cases of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. They are very powerful drugs that block parts of the immune system and need to be monitored very carefully.

Do you need a Infusion Therapy

These treatments are recommended for adults who have not responded well to conventional treatments for crohn’s, ulcerative colitis. These medications may be given alone, or in combinations with other medications.

Screening Tool

These medications are typically administered as a subcutaneous injection, which means it is injected under the skin. The injection can be done at home or in a healthcare setting, depending on the patient’s preference and condition.

What to expect

These medications require careful monitoring. It is important that you see your physician regularly, take medications as instructed and inform your physician of any symptoms you might be having. Allergic reactions or reactions at the site of injection are possible because these medications are antibodies that are foreign proteins.

How to prepare

Preparation for biologic therapy is dependent on the type of treatment you are prescribed. Some medications are administered in an infusion center in an office or hospital setting and others are self-injected. It is very important to take these medications as instructed. Each medication is given in a different amount and on a different schedule, so it is critical to learn what you need to do. Your doctor should provide you with specific details on your individual treatment and any side effects associated with your medication.

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