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10 Tips to Avoid Heartburn This Thanksgiving

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It is not by chance GERD Awareness Week (Nov. 24-30) occurs around Thanksgiving. A common symptom for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is heartburn, which can be triggered by overeating.

Approximately 60 percent of adults experience some type of GERD every year, and 20 percent of the nation is affected weekly. A few simple guidelines can help you make the most of your merriment this season!

10 Tips To Avoid Heartburn This Thanksgiving

1-5 – Eat this, not that:

White meat– High-fat foods spark acid reflux, so steer clear of dark and fried meat.
Baked potato– Avoid mashed potatoes, which tend to have heavy cream and butter.
Non-stuffed stuffing– Cook a batch outside of the turkey to decrease the fat content.
Veggies– Head for the steamed vegetables instead of the casserole. Also, be careful of the flavoring you use – spicy foods are heartburn’s friend.
Water– Use your imagination with your beverage because alcohol, acidic juices, caffeinated and carbonated drinks can all trigger heartburn.

6-10 – Do this, not that:

Nibble, don’t gobble– Eat small portions. Let your food digest – literally – before having seconds.
Hold the ‘mode’– Enjoy desserts in moderation and if you can, skip the ice cream or whipped cream, which add fat and aggravate heartburn.
Exercise– Let activity aid the digestive process. Take a walk, not a nap.
Wear loose clothing– Tight-fitting belts and apparel can squeeze your stomach, which can lead to food making its way back into the esophagus.
Treat– Use OTC or Rx treatments as directed for temporary relief. If symptoms persist, see a doctor.

Occasional heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is common and often responds well to over-the-counter medications. Reflux is a condition where food or liquid in the stomach flows back into the esophagus.GERD is diagnosed when symptoms occur frequently (two or more times per week). It’s important to see a specialist for GERD treatment. Many people ignore or mask their symptoms with over-the-counter medications, but the underlying condition can persist and develop into something more serious.


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